API documentation

General use of the Holidu API

Congratulations and welcome aboard! To start sending us data you oughta use a JSON format that must be sent to our Holidu API endpoints accordingly.


How can you test the endpoints? → by using the SWAGGER

On the swagger documentation, you will find an example and a model for each endpoint, so you can start testing them right away. But first, check out HERE which are the endpoints that you shall develop since this depends on how your system works!

The model

On the model you can see for each field:

  • a description

  • the data type expected. e.g.: integer, string, etc. (Note: for integer, you don’t need double quotes)

  • if the field is optional or mandatory

Example requests

For every endpoint, there is also an example request in the documentation and a "try it out" function to test your requests first locally.

In the live environment, each request needs to be identified with your API key as a header.

Further information

Here is the table of contents of our Holidu API to get deeper knowledge about the different endpoints and best practices:

In case you have any questions, please contact providersupport@holidu.com